Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sleepiest Horse in the World

Lesson Day, this should be short and sweet.

Typical Tuesday, getting Shadow all ready in his stall, Dom and Bonni were standing inside with him and I walked out to put my bit looks and flash band on his bridal, and i hear him fumbling around. As I look over, Shadow is asleep buckling at his knees. REALLY? He was not ready to wake up either. Petting and shaking his head was not working, we were all looking at each other like 'uh oh'  I took him out and walked him around and BOOM he's awake and everything is fine. Someone is a little too cozy in his stall.

We put the flash on and he was not happy, flapping his lips and carrying on about it. Dom started with lunging in side reins, he is starting to move out very nicely at the trot, and he no longer bucks and flips out when you ask him to canter. He's making wonderful improvements. He was moving funny in the beginning but it was because he was bracing his neck and he look off, but he was not. Stiff in the beginning but he is a 15 year old ex race horse, so I'll give him that. He finally relaxed and Dom got on. I passed on riding as I had a really bad day and I'm not feeling so well.

They worked for another half hour and he looked great. Dom told me I am really going to like how he feels riding with the flash on because he moves out so much nicer being that he cant brace his mouth against the bit.  She told me she would like to start getting him over some cross rails and for me to start cantering him, which I really don't do. She said we will work him over the cross rails and his canter we will build up as we go. His trot is coming along so nicely, hopefully by Saturday I will have enough energy to ride.

Dom stopped to talk to me and Shadow proceeded to shove his face into mine as if he was saying 'Mom get this thing off my mouth please', needless to say, the flash was not tight at all. Once Dom got off he proceeded with the lip flapping and carrying on, so Dom said 'okay, you want it off, we will take it off' and literally slid it off his mouth, that's how 'tight' it was. He stood there with me for a minute covered in sweat and then walked away to shove his entire face in the water trough and clean off the feeling of the flash band. Of course that's the way he made it seem. He always knows how to make me laugh.

I have taught him to give me a kiss before he gets a treat, but he gets so excited so I have to tell him to be nice or he will knock me out.  He'll very gently put his nose to my lips, and then he knows he gets treat, but if I take to long, he will start throwing his nose at me and I have to pay attention or he will catch me in the mouth good one of these days. He got me a little yesterday, but I corrected him, he means well. Lol  Shadow lives for food and treats which makes me wonder what kind of life he had all over again. If he knows I ave treats he will nudge me ever so lightly until I give them up. Love him <3

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