Monday, December 1, 2014

Supplement Struggles

For those of you that follow my blog you know shadow has a past stifle injury and know that he came out of last winter pretty much dead lame. 

Once I had seen it (I was not aware of the issue until that point, as I was not told when I adopted him) I was able to start him on Prevacox and a better joint supplement than what I had him on and he had done great. 

So in anticipation of having another winter of no riding I have upped shadow supplements being sure not to give him to much of any one thing as we all know too much of something isn't always the best. 

So I kept him on his Prevacox and his complete senior smartpak (even though he isn't a senior, lol) because I love the benefits of it. I also added another dose of HA in addition to the amount that the complete has in it and I put him on a muscle mass supplement which will aid in bulking, obviously but will also slow the deterioration when they are out of work. I'm doing everything I can to keep him sound if he is going to be off all winter again. 

So he's been on this supplement for About a month now and I have been dealing with all this back and saddle drama which is finally resolved. Shadows back is 100% better and I have bought a Pessoa that fits him like a glove. 

I went out yesterday to try my new saddle and ride my boy since he has been off since the turkey trot because I had surgery on my mouth. Shadow, he had other ideas. 

I have noticed a change in attitude lately.  When I get there to see him he is so excited and right ontop of me. Don't get me wrong he is always happy to see me but lately he has been crazy, almost like "omg mom! Hi mom, what're you doing mom" following me back and fourth and all over the place. Bonni also mentioned that she was in the barn getting dinner ready the night before and he was in the field acting like he was losing his mind which he has never ever done. 

I tacked him up and decided to lunge before I got on and with Nikko cantering around the other field shadow took one step away from me and jacked his tail up the sky and his nose followed suit. He then continued to prance around me snorting like a dragon. Did someone forget to tell him he was 16? 

So once he calmed down ( or I thought) I got up on him and he was still trying to run around with his tail up and snorting and trying to gallop the fence line with Nikko. So I took him to the other side of the ring and walked him until he was calm. 

I then decided to lunge him instead of riding him so we lunged for about an hour or so and he was moving beautifully. 

I am so glad he is feeling so good, but I would just like to ride my horse! 

So now begins the trial and error of supplements. 

I called smartpak and spoke to them about having any other cudtomers mention anything about the muscle mass stamina making their horse hot and they have nothing other than it making them "feel good" so she suggested I cut down the dose. 

Shadow next smartpak will come with a lower dose and I will have to keep an eye out for an attitude adjustment. *fingers crossed*

                      My new Pessoa 

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