Monday, July 14, 2014

Catching Up

i'm probably the worst blogger on earth. Life just doesn't seem to want to slow down for five minutes for me to even think about writing, so today I'm making time.

Shadow has been doing wonderfully. Jamie was home from Texas and we did a lot of riding that week.

He has been improving weekly, and I am sure to ride him every chance i get. It is great to see how well he is actually doing.

I think we have the trot pretty much down to a science, he is finally consistent and riding on a looser rein. I don't have to hold him up as much.

The canter is still a little rough, and we can't hold it around the ring fully, but we will get there, i'm not really in a rush, I would like the trot to be a little less work still before i move onto anything else.

He is such a good boy.

New Opportunity.

Dom has moved Dancer in to live with us, to hopefully help her sell him. We have a cute little barn which is rather inviting and is a nice place to show a sale horse.

I am leasing him from her until he sells and riding him every time i get to ride shadow.

Shadow and Dancer are in fields right next to each other and they love each other! It;s nice to see Shadow getting along with another because he has been in a feild alone since I brought him home almost a year ago.

Saturday night i went out and rode both boys and they were wonderful.

I really enjoy riding Dancer, he is alot less work that shadow and i dont have to think much, I can just ride. Riding him improves all my strength and helps me ride Shadow more effectively.

This is a wonderful opportunity I have been given by Dom and I can't wait to get back into jumping with dancer, after all, jumping was always my passion.

 They're twins, it's crazy!

Shadow and I will be together for one full year this week. 

I can't believe how fast it has gone and how far we have come. I love that horse with my hole heart <3 

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